
Showing posts from November, 2021

In The Light of What You Know - The saga behind Myanmar coup

  In February 1, 2021, once again Myanmar military has gripped the power of its country. Citing constitutional provisions that give military control in national emergencies. That give military ruler busted the state counsellor and most familiar leader Aung San Suu Kyi who is the party chief of (NLD). The Military Junta indicted the Suu Kyi of fraud. During last year’s General election. The Ultimate Power of Myanmar has gone to the Army’s Commander in chief Min Aung Haling, who would hold power for one year after which there would be election. It is nothing new for the Burmese people because they has been facing Since 1962 The post- Independence civilian govt. got off to a bad start in 1948 .In July 1947 the legendary nationalist leader General Aung San the father of Aung Sam Suu Kyi was assassinated and leadership was inherited by less politically agile UNU. A civil war broke out thoroughly In Myanmar among different ethnic .At that time Military of Myanmar found itself as the only...

The Deal Strike On

  In, 14 February 1971, France recognized Bangladesh as a sovereign country which is one of the permanent member of UN Security council. France is third member of Security Council which declare Bangladesh as a free country. From 1971 to 2021 France has helped Bangladesh in different Socio-economic Sectors. Last year Bangladesh’s export to France was worth about € 2.76 billion and import from France was about € 240 million. In recent visit of Prime minister Sheikh Hasina has brought a revolutionary change in relationship with France .our prime mister main aim is to develop a warm alliance with France in security, trade and business sector. Bangladesh and France have signed a letter of Intent on defense cooperation, common vision for a free, open, peaceful, Secure and Inclusive Indo-pacific region. Two countries also agreed to further develop the defense Security component of their partnership based on the needs expressed and each party’s ability to respond to them using different me...


  Most of us know the moral values of social life but many of us bypass it to secure a great position in early possible time. Sometimes inimical behavior makes us like a filthy man. In the last Article we are discussing about brute force attack and vulnerability in two steps verification system. Today we will discuss about other threat in our Internet. Currently Different media has reported about Israel NSO group made Pegasus virus. What it would actually do? Do we really Vulnerable to face it? How this Software exploit the human rights and activists? Pegasus is highly sensitive application which is used by law enforcement agencies to mitigate or eradicate the militant activities in a particular region. But most often this use to exploit many diffident journalist and human right activities. This Software is very small in size and can Automatically Install a target device without its owner consent. Even an Anti-virus Software cannot locate in a position because it seems like system ...


In 1971 Bob Thomas had invented an experimental virus that could spread around the computers. It name was Creeper virus. Since then to today millions of viruses have been spread through our networks. Today we are discussing about some viruses which are pernicious in our daily life. In modern world information and technology spread from Amazon forest to Antarctica. But most of us don’t know about our safety in our daily digital life. Even we are so much ignorant about basic literacy in computer and internet system. We know only one can hack our id only knowing our password. It’s totally false statement. Brute force attack can easily break our security system and access to your valuable fb or other social media accounts. One user must check his/her password that it is still strong or not. Is he/she using uppercase, lowercase and special characters? I believe 90s generation are strong enough to spaced out this problem. But you will be totally astonished how strong your password is. A hack...

Nature and We are

  When we see the today’s summer it’s totally different from the summer’s in childhood. Nowadays we are feeling unbearable heat in summer that has happened to our world. What are the reasons behind this? Today I’m going to shed light on the numerous causes that are posed by us. The sixty percentage land of Bangladesh is situated above the five meters from sea level. From this we can easily surmise how vulnerable our country is! Any types of flood or natural disaster affects us very badly. Headly centre for climate prediction and research projected that the sea level height will increase 40 centimetres within 2080.General circulation model shows that within 2100 Bangladesh temperature will be increased by 2.5℃. This temperature will badly effect on our economy and other sectors in our country. From the Industrial period to today global temperature has raised to approximately 1.5℃ according to NASA. Today we are using lots of CFC based machine which are dangerous for Ozone layer. The...


  Climate! Climate! Climate! The word that is mostly used everywhere around the world. But are we really concern about our climate? How the world leader apprehend toward that. From Stockholm conference in 1972 to COP-26 in 2021, world leaders are trying to reach a deal how to cap the temperature within 1.5℃. From Vienna convention to Kyoto protocol leaders are searching for a solution. But actual steps haven’t been taken yet. The greenhouse gas emission is increasing day by day mainly because of fossil fuel. Greenhouse gas includes carbon-di-oxide (49%), Methane (18%), Chlorofluro Carbon (14%), Nitrous-Oxide (06%) and water vapor and others (13%). The biggest emitter of carbon-di-oxide is China .It emits approximately 9040.74 million metric ton carbon-di-oxide per year. The second and third emitter are United States of America and India. The sectors that are responsible most for greenhouse emission power generation (25%) and next we are destroying our forestland (24%). The world gl...