The New Horizon in Space
When we talk about telescope in space the first word fell out from our mouth is Hubble telescope. This telescope had made a breakthrough in astronomy of exploration. Recently James Web and most recently Euclid have made usher a new horizon in space. Euclid telescope has lift off July 1, 2023 which would be major spearheaded to exploration of galaxy specially Dark matter and Dark Energy. Firstly Euclid is named after Greek mathematician who is the founder of Geometry. The initial purposes of this telescope are finding out the evolution of Dark universe,Three dimensional map of universe by observing billions of galaxies out of10 billion light years across more than a third of sky. It would find out the dark energy which accelerate the expansion of universe and growth of cosmic structure. Scientists in today’s world are struggling to find out this. This telescope addresses core theme of ESA’s ( European Space Agency) cosmic vision programme. They are what are the fundamental physical laws of the universe and how did the universe originate and what is it made of? This mission and build have operated by ESA. The Euclid consortium consists of more than 2000 scientists from 300 institutes in 13 European countries. The US, Canada, Japan have provided scientific instruments and scientific analysis. Thales Alenia is prime contractor for the construction of satellite and its service module, with airbus defence and space chorna to develop payload module including telescope. This telescope has used Space X Falcon 9 vehicle which lift off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. It’s life time is very short approximately 6 years. It weight is 2 tonnes ( 800 kg payload, 850 kg service module , 40 kg balancing mass, 210 kg of propellant). It is 4.7 metres tall and 3.7 metres diameter. There are two major components. One is service module and another is payload module. The payload module comprises a 1.2 diameter telescope and scientific instruments A visible wavelength camera ( the Visible instrument, VIS) and a near infrared camera/ spectrometer( the near infrared spectrometer and photometer, NISP). The service module contains the satellite system, electric power generation and distribution, attitude control, data processing electronics, propulsion, telecomand, telemetry and thermal control . It also allows scientists to investigate the chemical and kinematic properties in space. Inevitably It will set up a new light in the world of Dark matter and Dark energy which the scientists are earnestly waiting for.
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