The New Horizon in Space
When we talk about telescope in space the first word fell out from our mouth is Hubble telescope. This telescope had made a breakthrough in astronomy of exploration. Recently James Web and most recently Euclid have made usher a new horizon in space. Euclid telescope has lift off July 1, 2023 which would be major spearheaded to exploration of galaxy specially Dark matter and Dark Energy. Firstly Euclid is named after Greek mathematician who is the founder of Geometry. The initial purposes of this telescope are finding out the evolution of Dark universe,Three dimensional map of universe by observing billions of galaxies out of10 billion light years across more than a third of sky. It would find out the dark energy which accelerate the expansion of universe and growth of cosmic structure. Scientists in today’s world are struggling to find out this. This telescope addresses core theme of ESA’s ( European Space Agency) cosmic vision programme. They are what are the fundamental physica...