From the beginning of childhood we have brought up by the care of our family and friends. Most of the time family remains your side in all matters when you fight against outsider pernicious things. Moreover the family plays an important role in everyone’s daily life. Family teaches us a good behavioral manner that affect our entire life. We are the social animal and we interact with each other in good or bad manner depends on our relationship. When it time of friends, they are always try to be your side rather than others. It is a natural habit. But it also depends on strong bonding. Most of the time strong bonding among friends rely on transitional ways. But in long run this types of bonding doesn’t exits no longer. Some friends try to see you a higher position than him/her when he would not achieve that position. A lot of friends try to help you by money and other suggestion related speech but most of the time they would not help you providing a good Job that he or she has already possessed. Albeit they can do. You can lambaste them but it will not work. They don’t want to see you higher position than them. Moreover they expect a good help when you will achieve your goal. Some of them show you a great favors with you. But the time of your danger they will not with you. Sometime they indulge in libel and tempestuous dissemination of other jobs. It can be happened in egalitarian family members. They will jibe you without no reason although you go through straight path. Thus we maintain a lots of bonding. Though without friends and family we are alone, we have to make sustainable relationship with everyone. Before fizzle out these bonding we should expect not below or beyond our expectation from them. Limited expectation is essential for good bonding.